It is with love and sadness in our hearts that we share of the passing of our former Executive Director, Kay Grindland.
How does one put to words the beauty of this kind spirited woman? As you can read in her obituary, Kay’s reach and impact was broader than Cook County. Yet, we in this community are especially grateful to have journeyed with Kay. Whether you knew her or not, she left a legacy in this community that lives well beyond her days and years… her poetry, friendship, love of nature, and thoughtful leadership as Care Partners’ founding director. Kay’s dedication, compassion, creativity, spirit of kindness and thoughtful collaboration provided a strong foundation for us. Her spirit can be found in what we do, the decisions we make, “who” we are, and in our office and organization culture. Her poetry graces our walls. We will continue to walk in her legacy as we continue to see and wrap around the most experienced among us.
–Julie Wilson, Care Partners Executive Director