We envision a community that is fully supported to navigate our shared journeys of aging and end-of-life.
What Makes Volunteering with Care Partners So Rewarding?
Julie Wilson, Executive Director
Care Partners’ Volunteers! You are amazing, compassionate, living-it humans! Our effort to connect neighbor to neighbor continues to grow – and volunteers make it happen. We NEED you! If you have ever wondered how you can make a difference and a BIG impact – where you find your cup overflowing as you pour it into others – look no further and call us. We need volunteers in every corner of Cook County. Volunteers can choose how they would like to “overfill their cup” – giving rides, helping with chores, providing caregiver respite, being a companion, assisting with end-of-life vigil, or serving as a board member – any or all of the above! Throughout this newsletter you will find pictures of our volunteers and the grateful thoughts of our neighbors who receive the caring overflow from our volunteers! Peace and every good.
From a volunteer: “I have so much fun! I get to know neighbors I wouldn’t have otherwise and visit with those I haven’t seen in years!”
Upcoming Events
Let’s support our friends and neighbors living with memory loss, and remember those whom we have lost to dementia
October 5th at 2:30pm – Meet at the Hub!
Donate to Team Grand Marais or pre-register to walk here
or register to walk on the day of the event!
(in case of inclement weather, the walk will be held indoors at the Cook County YMCA)
- 5th: Walk to End Alzheimer’s (and all dementias!) – start at The Hub, 2:30pm
- 17th: Memory Cafe at the Hub – Ham Radio with Jayne Johnson, 1-2:30pm
- 23rd: Lunch & Learn at Cook County Higher Education (CCHE) – Health Services & Older Adults with Sawtooth Mountain Clinic CEO Kate Surbaugh, 12-1pm
- 26th: Reframe Aging Workshop at CCHE, 9am-12pm
- 12th: Light Up a Life at Johnson Heritage Post
The Journey of Aging
Jerry Lilja, Neighbor and Friend of Many
Seriously?…is this really a thing?…a “journey” we take as we get older?
To my considerable dismay, I recently turned 80. If I’m on a journey, where am I going? What if I’d rather not be taking this trip? Is this a cruise ship or “40 miles of bad road”?
Honestly, this journey includes sometimes waking up scared in the night. What might happen next? What unexpected twists and turns lay ahead for me and my dear traveling companion, Joan? How will we be able to just stay on the road, much less enjoy the scenery along the way?
Thinking about “aging in place”, it’s become apparent that we can’t do it alone. We’re counting on family, friends and neighbors, and people we don’t even know, who are willing to be with us when the going gets rough. And …it’s become a real comfort to realize there is a Cook County organization called Care Partners.
We’ve already dipped our toes in the water by taking two classes for care givers, had a volunteer clean the leaves out of our gutters, attended the Memory Café, and begun meeting with a care coordinator, all provided by Care Partners.
Joan and I are determined to stay here, and in our home, for as long as possible. Clearly, that’s realistic only because we live in a community that’s here for us. So, I guess you could call it a journey …a well accompanied journey … that may take us to some good “places” after all.
Volunteer Thank You!
Volunteering with Care Partners fits the commitment level you are able to give—chores and rides are flexible, as you are available. Companions visit regularly with one neighbor (or two!), while respite and end-of-life vigil happen as the need arises and you are able.
For many years, volunteer Nancy Koloski applied her own life experience and carved out time to create an anchoring, safe, and strengthening meeting space. Led by this faithful, compassionate volunteer, the West End Caregiver Coffee has helped many people on their caregiving journey. A HUGE thank you to Nancy for her many years of blessing her neighbors!! We wish you all the best as you continue to bless neighbors…in a new neighborhood!
Care Partners Caregiver Programs
Over the years, Care Partners’ Caregiver Program has grown and evolved through the people that share in our mission as volunteers, staff and collaborators, and through the wisdom of our caregiving neighbors. Over the past few months, we’ve been honored to work with community partners and area businesses in many unique and meaningful ways, lightening the load of those who provide care for family and friends.
A Caregiver Retreat was held at Studio 21 where staff and volunteers were able to serve these beautiful humans with a lovely meal. We enjoyed poetry, good conversation and delicious food from many of our business partners in Grand Marais. Following the meal, guests rotated through 4 stations: Breathing/Stretching with Barbara Platnick; Journaling with Christie John; Meditation with Betsy Blume; and Massage with Dr. Stephanie Vos. Our honored guests left with a beautiful bag filled with self care goodies provided with the help of Joy & Company. Thank you to all who made this a meaningful event!
The “Art of Health” series in collaboration with the Grand Marais Art Colony and Art Therapist Erin Rafferty-Bugher was a wonderful introduction to the healing power of ART for everyone! Three sessions were held: Weaving Memories at the Memory Café (picture above); The HeArt of Caregiving for family caregivers; Resiliency Trees for Professional Caregivers. Each was uniquely impactful!
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a FREE class designed to provide caregivers the opportunity to further develop their own toolbox for self care. This course is offered periodically and creates a safe space to nurture intimacy and friendship among those who attend. Care Partners’ volunteers have been able to provide RESPITE care so that some of the participants can take time for themselves. Are you interested in becoming a respite volunteer? Reach out to us!
“…what a good experience the Caregiver Retreat was for me. It starts with just getting out of the house on my own for a while and being with some kind and friendly people. The format was just right. I had never had a chair massage before, and never experienced Yoga before. It made me realize how much emotional tension I am living with and not realizing it. Mindfulness meditation and journaling are tools I already value, but appreciate the reinforcement.”
Reframe Aging Workshop – October 26
We get lots of mixed messages every day about our future as older adults – from ads for creams, lotions, and pills guaranteed to stop an inevitable descent into debilitating frailty to articles about super-seniors who become professional models or break ultra-marathon records in their 80s and beyond! It doesn’t help that most “looking ahead” workshops for older adults focus almost exclusively on decline, disease, disaster, and death. (Is it any wonder that we often resist long-term planning?!) Join Care Partners of Cook County, the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging, and Cook County Higher Education for a different take on preparing to care well for our future selves at a fun, informative, and free “Reframe Aging” workshop at CCHE on Saturday, October 26th from 9am—12pm. We’ll consider the values that are most important to us, discuss realistic expectations about our aging bodies and minds, allow ourselves to explore our dreams and hopes (not just our fears), and begin to imagine a future that will very likely hold both challenge AND promise! Register online on our website, or call 218-387-3788.
Ice Cream Social Fundraiser Shout Outs…Thank You!
- Quilters: Carol Morgen & Nancy Backlund
- Sydney’s Frozen Custard for hosting
- North Shore Swing Band
- Our business sponsors
- Volunteers & staff
- And all of YOU who bring the magic!!
Welcome New Staff & Board Members
We are so grateful to welcome Maggie and Anne to our Care Partners family!
Anne Brataas
Board Member
Anne can often be found hanging out on the harbor with kids of all ages writing cards at the Minnesota’s Children’s Press As we consider intergenerational opportunities we are thrilled to have her vision, passion, energy and wisdom on our Board!
Maggie Anderson
Care Coordinator/Caregiver Consultant
You may know Maggie as a local artist, a neighbor, or friend. She is a retired Clinical Social Worker and we are just so thrilled to have her heart, creativity, humor, intelligence and experience on our Team!
Julie Wilson, MSW, LGSW
Executive Director
Maggie Anderson
Suzanne Sherman, EOL Doula
Marnie Hovland, RN
Care Coordinators/
Caregiver Consultants
Christie John
Programs Administrator
Minda Andrus
Programs Coordinator
Jenny Delfs, MD
Medical Director
Board of Directors 2024
Nancy Starr, President
Kathy Reeves, Vice President
Bob Karrick, Treasurer
Terri Nelson, Secretary
Anne Brataas
Beth Kennedy
Carolyn Schmidt
Collette Pederson
Grant Funding Partners—2024
- Cook County Public Health Fund
- Cook County PHHS/MN-DHS: Age Friendly
- Empty Bowls Cook County
- Federal Older Americans Act (Title IIIB & E): Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging
- Head of the Lakes United Way
- Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation
- Medica Foundation
- Northland Foundation
- North Shore Health Care Foundation
- Otto Bremer Trust
- St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation
- The Victory Fund
Your Donations Matter!
Care Partners depends on community support. Please consider a donation, memorial, bequest, or celebration gift to Care Partners of Cook County.
or Mail To:
Care Partners
PO Box 282
Grand Marais, MN 55604
Care Partners Services
Staff answers calls & emails during office hours, Monday-Friday, 10am to 3pm
Trained volunteers help with:
- Companion visits
- Respite visits
- Chores around the house & garden
- Delivery of groceries, mail & other needs
- Rides locally & to Duluth
- Caregiver Coffee
Care Partners staff assists with:
- Care Coordination & health care planning
- End-of-life support
- Caregiver Support
- Information & referral
- Education & Advocacy
Reach out to us!
Office: 218.387.3788