To register or request more info:
- Use the links below -or-
- Call us at 218.387.3788 -or-
- Email us at
We’ll send registrants instructions for receiving a 15% discount from our friends at Drury Lane Books! No need to read the entire book before attending the first session – if you are able to read the first chapter, that will be great!
First Wednesdays of the month
12:00-1:30pm | Cook County Higher Education
Learn with others who are caring for a friend
or family member, near or far
Share insights, experiences and friendship
along the caregiving journey
First book: The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself by Linda Abbit
- Linda is a caregiving expert who draws on her decades of
experience to help readers navigate the caregiving journey with confidence. Using mindfulness techniques, she helps caregivers respond to challenges in a calm and clear way that is beneficial to both themselves and their loved one.
To help foster a safe and comfortable space for conversation, our first Caregiver Book Group will be limited to 8 participants.
First Thursdays of the month
4:30-6:00pm | Cook County Higher Education
Identify and challenge misconceptions
about growing older
Foster a perspective on aging that includes
both challenge and promise
First book: Breaking the Age Code: How Your Beliefs About Aging Determine How long and Well You Live by Becca Levy
- Yale professor Dr. Becca Levy, a leading expert on the psychology of successful aging, draws on her own ground-breaking research to show how age beliefs can impact all aspects of the aging process (even how genes operate!) – and how a positive view on aging may extend life expectancy by up to 7.5 years!
All are welcome – join in as your schedule and interest allow!