Volunteers Making a Difference!
Interview with Emily Ulhorn by Francis Zigmund, Care Partners Staff
How would you describe the impact of the ride service on your life?
It makes a HUGE difference. Especially rides to Duluth. Taking a bus there is unsure and it takes all day.
What would you say about your volunteer driver(s) and your experience with them?
Dan is always exactly on time and is so competent. He helps me make sure I get to my appointments. He is very perceptive and considerate.
What qualities would you say are important in a volunteer driver?
All your drivers are very good drivers. They are good companions, too. Though they don’t have to talk, their company just feels good.
Can you think of any particular experiences that might be a good highlight for future volunteers or clients?
Surprise! You may actually like the people you drive! Some people aren’t very conversive and they just want to live life.
Tell me about a time that you received a ride and the experience really stuck with you.
I had to go do some tests, and I was fearful about them. I asked Dan to come and wait in the waiting room because I was really, really nervous. And he was really willing to do anything to make [me] the client feel better.
Thank you to all our volunteers for making an impact in the lives of our neighbors!
Upcoming Events
May 31 – 12:45pm
Volunteer Meeting at the Hub
May 24 – noon to 1pm
Lunch & Learn at CCHE
Senior Health & Fitness
June 28 – 9:30am to 3pm
Arrowhead Caregiver Conference
Satellite location CCHE
July 26 – noon to 1pm
Lunch & Learn at CCHE
Storytelling & Legacy-
Death Doulas
August – details TBD
Annual Ice Cream Social
September 11, 18, 25
1pm to 2:30pm at The Hub
Aging With Gusto
Monthly Events
Caregivers Coffee
2nd & 4th Friday – 10am
Birch Grove Community Center
Memory Cafe
3rd Thursday – 1pm, The Hub
Death Cafe
4th Thursday – 6:30pm, The Hub
Lunch & Learn
4th Wednesday – noon to 1pm
Cook County Higher Education
From the Board President
Jayne Johnson, President
Did you know that there are over a hundred non-profit organizations in Cook County? Like so many of them, Care Partners is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, in addition to the many volunteers who provide services like giving rides, doing occasional chores, and providing companionship for our older neighbors. Care Partners could not exist if it was not for the generous donation of time by our many volunteers – both those who provide services and those who help lead us!
Care Partners is currently seeking a couple more Board members who are interested in helping lead us moving forward. Board members who are collaborative, have the ability to see the big picture, have a passion for serving elders, and have just a few hours a month to donate are wanted! Almost all of our meetings are on zoom, and we are looking for representation from all over the County – from Grand Portage to Schroeder, the inland Trails, and even part-time residents.
Current Board members are listed elsewhere on the newsletter – feel free to chat with any of them about what they love about serving on our Board! If you think you could be a good fit in this role and are interested in learning more, you can contact me at board@carepartnersofcookcounty.org.
Board Volunteer Highlight
Nancy Larson, Volunteer Board Member, Newest Death Doula
My career working on national forests brought me to this area of the Northshore in 2012. Once here, I was drawn to Care Partner’s mission in providing vital support and services to help community members and their families address the transitions of aging, serious illness and end- of-life. With Care Partners, I have been a companion and a chore volunteer, and have been on the Board of Directors for the last four years.
In recent months, I have become a Death Doula, trained through the International End-of-Life-Association (INELDA), https://inelda.org. This intensive training has prepared me to hold the space and walk with anyone in our community who is ready to consider their own mortality and/or prepare for a good death at end-of-life. Aging well includes preparing for a good death. With gratitude, I humbly join a compassionate and committed group of Death Doulas who have been working in our community these last several years, Pat Campanaro, Suzanne Sherman, Jean Skeels, and Margy Nelson.
If one wishes to know more, or embark in their readiness for a good death, or seek support at end-of-life, please contact any one of us through Care Partners (218) 387-3788, info@carepartnersofcookcounty.org, or visit us on the web at https://carepartnersofcookcounty.org/doulas. You can also follow us on Facebook at A Better Death.
Volunteer Opportunities
Care Partners depends on community volunteers to support clients through visits, calls, deliveries, rides, and chores. We provide training and let you choose your assignments according to your schedule and interest.
Volunteer Drivers
2-hour Self-Directed Training
Give rides locally or to Duluth and be reimbursed for mileage
Chore/Delivery Volunteers
2-hour Self-Directed Training
Help with groceries, errands, or chores around the house & yard to keep seniors safe in their homes
Companion Training
Reach Out!
Companion volunteers befriend elders through visits, calls and walks. Volunteers work within their availability and interest and receive training in safety, elder awareness, communication and more. Email christie@carepartnersofcookcounty.org or call 387-3788 for more information.
Welcome New Staff!
We are so grateful to welcome these beautiful humans to our Care Partners family!
Heidi Akins
Senior Services Coordinator
Suzanne Sherman
Care Coordinator/Caregiver Consultant
(job sharing)
Light Up a Life, 12/8/22
Stronger Than You Know—Eco-Mapping Workshop Held
Care Partners provided a Saturday morning workshop on April 15th at Cook County Higher Education, Stronger Than You Know, Using Eco-Mapping to Uncover Your Core Connections presented by Stacy Remke (and a voiceless Julie Wilson!). When it comes to getting the help we need to age well, we have more strengths than we realize – including the network of supportive relationships and individual and community resources that is unique to each of us. Eco-mapping helps us uncover and celebrate the positive connections we already have and identify potential new partners for our continued growth and well-being. This hands-on workshop gave attendees the opportunity to create their own eco-map with the help of professionals who are trained in the process, as well as brainstorm ways to enlarge their supportive circle. You can find the session recorded online at CCHE’s website, www.mycche.org. Contact our Care Coordinators or Caregiver Consultants at Care Partners if you’d like to learn more about creating your own eco-map!
Connecting the Dots
Betsy Blume, Care Coordinator/Caregiver Consultant
It can be said that all of us need assistance at different times in our lives whether it is finding resources, connecting with community partners or restoring our own vitality. Many of us over the last few years have become more isolated due to Covid 19 restrictions not to mention weather events.
The Care Coordinators here at Care Partners are one of the places where we help to connect the dots for those in need of companionship, intermittent rides and chores, respite and more. We come alongside caregivers and care receivers and those near the end of life to support this journey for families.
We have heard from caregivers that working with us has helped them take time to care for their own health needs, get social support and enjoy leisure time. Care receivers may enjoy making new or maintaining old connections along with the support of our volunteers. Our end-of-life doulas can also be with the person receiving care to offer comfort in many forms or to allow family to rest and restore.
Each person or family we touch receives unique attention to their particular needs, no requests are the same. To know we are not alone in these types of challenges can be an immense relief. Thank you for trusting us to journey with you.
Generosity Runs Deep in Cook County
Julie Wilson, Executive Director
If there is one thing I have learned about Cook County in the past year, it is that generosity and hospitality run deep. Yes, we host a lot of visitors throughout the year and help create extraordinary experiences for them. But it is deeper than that here. There is a deep, rich and healthy stream of compassion that runs through this community. Without the generous support of the people and businesses in this community, Care Partners would not be able to make the impact we have, especially in this past year—as we all have been enjoying reconnecting with each other!
Thank you community members, volunteers, businesses, community partners, and funders. We are grateful to do this work alongside you.
Caregiver Coffee
Caregiver Coffees are informal gatherings open to anyone who offers care and support to an older adult. Participants are caring individuals experiencing the same challenges you may be. They encourage one another, share resources and discuss topics related to caregiving.
Caregiver Coffees are offered at 10:00 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at the Birch Grove Community Center, 9 Good Neighbor Hill in Tofte. Caregivers are welcome to ‘stop by’ for coffee, tea, and conversation whenever their schedules allow! Call Care Partners at 387-3788 to get connected.
Aging Well Resources is a program of the Cook County Aging Coalition created to provide a single, easy-to-access source for information and connection to aging resources. Our Care Navigator provides information assistance on the phone, manages the website, and assists with agency communication.
Originally funded through the Northland Foundation’s Integrated Rural Community Aging Program that developed the Cook County Aging Coalition. Care Partners has managed the project with much input and support from the Coalition. Find us at www.agingwellresources.org or call our Care Navigator, Christie John at 855-444-3910.

Making a Difference
Thanks to your generosity, Care Partners was able support 93 senior clients in 2022. We appreciate the wonderful volunteers and staff who so passionately give of their time and talents to our elders in Cook County!
40 Senior Rides clients received 388 rides
28 caregivers received coaching and support
25 clients received care coordination/end-of-life care
24 chore & 12 delivery clients received 232 hours of assistance
22 clients received over 342 volunteer visits
18 clients received 166 telephone reassurance calls
58 volunteers donated over 1185 hours
Grant Funding Partners 2023
Cook County Public Health Fund
Federal Older Americans Act (Title IIIB & IIIE) – Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging
Head of the Lakes United Way
Live Well at Home – MN Department of Human Services
Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation
North Shore Health Care Foundation
Northland Foundation
St. Paul Foundation
Thank you to all who supported Care Partners in 2022!
Our 2022 Business Sponsors
Angry Trout Cafe
Blue Water Cafe
Cedar Grove Veterinary Clinic
Cook County Potters
Cook County Whole Foods Co-op
First & Second Thrift Store
Grand Marais State Bank
Klay Reactions, LLC
Lutsen Evangelical Lutheran Church
North Shore Federal Credit Union-Grand Marais
North Shore Health
Oddz & Endz
Red Pine Realty
Sawtooth Mountain Clinic
Sivertson Studio, Gallery & Frame Shop
Solv Energy
Sydney’s Frozen Custard
The Wilder Woodshop
Tuscarora Lodge & Canoe Outfitters
2022 Donors
Stuart Abraham
Sue Abraham
Katie Anderson
Paulette Anholm
Gary & Mary Atwood
Linda Batchelor
Mary Beams
Mary & Roger Bebie
Beth Benson & Lynn Wright
Tracy Benson & Pete Kavanaugh
Andrea Beres
Sally Berg
Julia Bittinger
Richard & Roberta Bockovich
John & Barb Bottger
Penny & Tom Bradovich
Colleen Brennan
Douglas Brenner
Sharon Brenner
William & Joan Burkhardt
Jessica Burks
Myron Bursheim
Pat Campanaro & Stan Tull
Julie Carlson
Mike Carlson
Charles & Dorothy Carpenter
Kari Carter
Bobbie Collins
Nancy Dalbec
Suzanne Davies
Larry Dean
Jenny Delfs & Jeff Kern
Anne Deneen
Alicia Deschene
Lawrence Downing
Carolyn Dry
Sally Dunn
Dan Edson
Sharon Eliasen
Cathy Everett
Lois Eyinck
Kurt Farchmin
Joan Farnam
Dan & Diane Fitzgerald
Carrie Framsted
John Franz
Hillary Freeman & Carol Mork
Anne Gabriel
Lindsey Gau
Jane Gellner
April Gerard
Nancy Giguere & Bruck Tyler
Glenn & Chelly Gilyard
Don Grant
Kay Grindland
David Hahn
Joan Hall
Ilena Hansel
Catherine Hansen
Carol & Peter Harris
David & Cathy Hawkinson
Howard & Bonnie Gay Hedstrom
Alyssa Hedstrom
Ann Norquist Hegg
Christina Hegg
Barb Heideman & Duane Hasegawa
Joyce Heiskari
Bob Hewitt
Kylan Hill
Katherine Horak
George & Cheryl Humphrey
Deb Hutcheon
Jay Hutchinson
Erin Indrelie
Geri Jensen
Janet & Gerald Johansen
Christie John
Beverly Johnson
Erik Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Jayne & Rick Johnson
Lois Johnson
Robert & Ann Karrick
Nancy Koloski
Karen Kritta
Patricia LaFreniere
Mike LaMotte
Carla LaPointe
Mike & Kathy Lande
Nancy & Jeff Larson
Gary Latz
Mary Lear
Ranna Hansen LeVoir
Jerry & Joan Lilja
Layne & Rolf Lindquist
Roger & Maxine Linehan
Jean Ljungkull
Donna & Orvis Lunke
Bill Lurton
Robert Mattson
Ronald McClellan
Paul McCormick & Flannery Delaney
Evelyn McDonald
Jack & Sandy McHugh
Judy & Terry Meath
Ann Mershon
Jackie Meyers
Printha Moe
John Moos
Helen Muth & David Quick
Hyla & Arnold Napadensky
Yafa Napadensky & Bob Shannon
Karen Neal
Sue Nordman
Lon Olsen
Martha & Bruce Olson
Lorrie Oswald
Phyllis Parker
Diane Pearson
Lou & Inger Pignolet
Steven Pincus & Michelle Strangis
Annie Possis
Eliza Rainey
Karen Ranning
Becky Rayman
Kathy Reeves
Judy & Denny Renkiewicz
Sandra Sue Riley
Donald Ring
Rena Rogers & Mary Sorenson
Ann Russ
Michael Sampson & Cathy Nevers
Mary Sanders
Susan Scherer
Carolyn & Milan Schmidt
Craig & Lynn Schulte
Tari Shackleton
Maria A. Sheehan
Suzanne Sherman
Chris Silence
Maryl Skinner
Fred & Fran Smith
Jan Smith
Natalie Sobanja
Harvey Sobiek
Nancy Starr & Steven Nielsen
Lois Steven & Wayne Force
Todd Stivland
Sally Suck
Marc Tavernier
Myra Theimer
Damora Thompson
L. Douglas Throckmorton
Michael Valentini
Ruthanne H. Vos
Ann Ward
Suzanne Weber
Cydney Weiland & Robert Smith
Marilyn Wells
Karin & Craig Westgate
James White
Ken & Donna Wielinski
Donna Williams
Julie & Paul Wilson
Patty Wilson
John Wolf
Susan Wolff
Kimber Wraalstad
Jason Yuhas
Jodi & Tin Yuhasey
Patricia Zankman
2022 Memorials
Jim Beaster
Herb & Anna Bjork
David Carlson
Evelyn Carlson
Kevin Carlson
Burt Carlsted-Gillis
Doris Croft
Allen Dale
Arlene and Raynard Delfs
Joan Drury
Beulah Ede
Iris Gellner
Rose Hasagawa
Catherine Hewitt
Pat & Dale Hooper
Richard Joynes
Bette & George Kern
Mary Liddell
Frank Moe
Rev. Ham Muus
Hyla Napadensky
Floyd Pearson
Sue Protz
Patty & Alex Ratelle
Peter Redfield
Mark Schmoll
Evelyn & Ray Sjoberg
Marion Snyder
Leonard Sobanja
Alice Starr
Stanley Suck
Dick Swanson
Lee Tessier
Otis Thornton
2022 Celebration Gifts in Honor of:
Kay Grindland
Jayne Johnson
Care Partners Staff
Julie Wilson, LGSW
Executive Director
Betsy Blume, Retired RN
Marnie Hovland, RN
Suzanne Sherman, EOL Doula
Care Coordinator/Caregiver Consultants
Christie John
Program/Volunteer Coordinator
Heidi Akins
Senior Services Coordinator
Jenny Delfs, MD
Medical Director
Board of Directors
Jayne Johnson, President
Nancy Starr, Vice President
Kathy Reeves, Secretary
Bob Karrick, Treasurer
Beth Kennedy, Jack McHugh
Nancy Larson, Carolyn Schmidt
Your Donations Matter!
Care Partners depends on community support. Please consider a donation, memorial, bequest or celebration gift to Care Partners of Cook County
or mail to:
Care Partners of Cook County
PO Box 282
Grand Marais, MN 55604
“Stronger Than You Know” Eco-Mapping Workshop, 4/15/23
Care Partners Services
Staff answer calls & emails during office hours:
Monday – Friday, 10 am to 3pm
Trained volunteers help with:
Chores around the house & garden
Delivery of groceries, mail & other needs
Rides locally & to Duluth
Friendly calls & visits
Caregiver Coffee
Care Partners staff assist with:
Care Coordination & Health Care Planning
End-of-life support
Caregiver support
Information & Referral
Reach out to us!
Office: (218) 387-3788