Memory Café is a monthly gathering for people who are living with dementia and those who are caring for them. The Café offers a safe, supportive, relaxed environment to enjoy light refreshments, casual conversation and friendly connections with others who know the dementia journey first-hand. Each month we are also joined by a special guest who will share stories, offer their talents, or perhaps encourage us to try our hand at a fun, easy activity! The Cook County Memory Café meets at The Hub the third Thursday of each month from 1:00pm-2:30pm April through November.
May 16 – Cook County Master Gardeners will join us to talk about all things geranium…and we’ll plant some blooms to bring home and brighten our corner of the world!
June 20 – Anne Brataas will visit with us about her work with the Minnesota Children’s Press and we’ll see some examples of amazing work from our area’s talented young authors and illustrators.
July 18 – Ann Russ will stop by with her guitar and share her love of music with us. Who knows, maybe we’ll even do some singing along!
August 15 – In partnership with the Grand Marais Art Colony and as part of their 2024 theme of Art + Embodiment, we will be joined by Art Therapist Erin Rafferty-Bugher. Erin will lead us in a hands-on weaving activity on an individual hand-made loom. All materials will be provided but you are also welcome to bring upcycled special fabrics, clothing, yarns, or ribbons to create a personalized and symbolic reminder of special memories shared together.
September 19 – A delicious Memory Café with our Master Gardener friends on hand to help us plant tasty, nutritious micro-greens.
October 17 – Local ham radio operator Jayne Johnson will swing by to demonstrate a form of communication that is especially important for folks in the remotest parts of our county.
November 21 – Our friends from the Cook County Historical Society will visit with photos and stories from our community’s fascinating past.