We envision a community that is fully supported to navigate our shared journeys of aging and end-of-life.
Age-Friendly Community Listening Sessions
So Much to be Grateful For…
Julie Wilson, Executive Director
Gratitude… I am overflowing with it! Your support of Care Partners and our mission made a BIG impact in 2023. The enclosed celebration insert highlights the numbers and accomplishments all along last year’s beautiful journey. We often hear in our office about the sense of family and support at Care Partners. We receive so much wonderful feedback from our clients about the AMAZING VOLUNTEERS and our compassionate and committed staff. Their words speak louder than anything I could write, so let me share some of their thanks.
“Grateful for all assistance we are given by Care Partners, not sure how I would manage without your support!”
“Due to Care Partners assistance, my stress was greatly lowered.”
“I always felt confident that my needs would be taken seriously.”
“Volunteer was so helpful and kind. I would not have gone for my procedure if not for Care Partners.”
Without your support, our neighbors would have been scrambling to get help…or may have had to move away from their home. These messages are to YOU. THANK YOU! Here’s to a beautiful 2024 of partnering, collaborating and continuing to identify the strengths and needs across our community.
Upcoming Events
- 9th: Second Chance Art Sale @ The Hub, 10am-2pm, Proceeds to Care Partners!
- 8th & 22nd: West End Care Givers Coffee
- 27th: Zoom & Learn – Elder Fraud & Scams with AARP, 12-1pm
- 10th & 24th: West End Caregiver Coffee
- 18th: Memory Cafe Resumes @ The Hub! 1-2:30pm
- 24th: Lunch & Learn @ Cook County Higher Ed – Enjoying the Great Outdoors as we Age, 12-1pm
- 8th: Volunteer Meeting @ The Hub, 12:45-2:15pm
- 9th – 11th: Spring Chore Days
- 16th: Memory Cafe @ The Hub, 1-2:30pm
- 18th: “Planning Ahead” Community Workshop
- 25th: Lunch & Learn at Cook County Higher Ed – Understanding & Addressing Vision Loss, 12-1pm
Save the Date 2024
- June 12: Caregiver Appreciation Event
- August 15: Memory Cafe, “Weaving Memories” partnership with GM Art Colony
- August 16: “HeArt of the Caregiver” workshop @ Studio 21, partnership with GM Art Colony
- August 17: “Avoiding Practitioner Burnout” workshop @ Studio 21, partnership with GM Art Colony
- August 25: Ice Cream Social @ Sydney’s
- October 5: Walk to End Alzheimer’s @ The Hub
- December 12: Light Up a Life
From Our NEW Board President
Nancy Starr
My story of moving to Grand Marais is similar to so many other people who have made their homes in this wonderful place. I had been visiting the North Shore and Grand Marais since I was a child and I got hooked at an early age. My husband Steve and I lived and worked in the Twin Cities for many years and in 2002, we bought land in Grand Marais on Birch Drive. We (well ok, the contractor) built our house in 2012 and after retiring from our former careers, we moved here permanently in 2014. We love it – surrounded by forest and sharing space with woodland creatures.
My career was in senior housing, home care and social services. So back in 2015 when I was asked to consider being on the Care Partners board, it seemed like a perfect fit. And it has been!
I love serving on this board where I believe in the mission to support community members on the journey of aging and end-of-life. I’m grateful to be part of an exceptional, dedicated team of board members, staff and volunteers. I have a passion for volunteering as a chore worker and companion, whether I’m hauling wood, cleaning a house, picking up groceries or taking a walk with someone. Meeting people and sharing in their stories is the biggest gift to me and often changes my life perspectives. And I realize it does the same for the person I’m helping.
Last summer, the board and Julie Wilson, Executive Director, underwent a strategic planning process. It was a valuable exercise to look back over the past several years, see where we’ve landed and talk about where we want to go from here. This year, we’ll focus on refining our operations; expanding outreach and marketing; growing partnerships; enhancing our existing programs; and doing more to engage our volunteers. These all translate into – 2024 promises to be a busy, exciting year at Care Partners!
This year I look forward to working on the goals and activities we’re planning for Care Partners and to seeing the impact they have on people’s quality of life and ability to keep living safely in their homes. And I look forward to keeping up the relationships with the people and partners I’ve come to know through Care Partners. And to creating new ones!
Our Business Sponsors!
Bob Bailey |
Bob Spry |
Brad Ranning |
Bud Beyer |
Carol & Edward Plude |
David Carlson |
Donald Lovaas |
Edward Stark |
Elaine Rabold |
Evelyn Tepe |
Gramma Rita |
Grandma & Grandpa Ziegler |
Gunner Anderson |
Jessie Anderson |
Jody Jajewsky |
Joyce Krueger |
Kathleen Frisk |
Kaye Tavernier |
Mary & Richard Mills |
Mary Neal and Honey Rosen |
Michael McHugh |
Mike Taapa |
Nancy & Donny Brazell |
Paul David Anderson |
Quinn L. Ahlsen |
Richard Joynes |
Roger McDonald |
Rueben Johnson |
Sharon Eliasen |
Terry England |
Theil Vryers |
Violette Beyers |
Gifts in Honor of:
Alice T. Rudh |
Cathy Hewitt |
Jayne & Rick Johnson |
Julie Wilson |
Kay Grindland |
Marnie Hovland |
Ruth Lovaas |
Ruthanne Vos |
Sandy Stover |
In-Kind Donors:
Bruce Block |
Carol Morgen |
Kathy Reeves |
Mary Biebe |
Maggie Anderson |
Nancy Backlund |
Nancy Giguere |
Rebecca Barrett/Wilder Woodshop |
Thank You to All Who Supported Care Partners in 2023!
Sue Abrahamsen |
Betty Abrahamson |
Heidi Akins |
Dianne Anderson |
Chel Anderson |
Maggie Anderson |
Christine Angelo |
Rebecca Barrett |
Roger Barton |
Tracy Benson & Pete Kavanaugh |
Yvonne Benson |
Beth Benson & Lynn Wright |
Patsy & Bill Bernhjelm |
Patty Beyer |
Vicki Biggs-Anderson |
Julia Bittinger |
Roberta Bockovich |
Nikki Boostrom |
John & Barb Bottger |
Ann Bracco |
Mickey & Dee Brazell |
Colleen Brennan |
Sharon Brenner |
Judith Brisky |
William & Joan Burkhardt |
Myron Bursheim |
Mary Humphrey Cameron |
Julie Carlson |
Mike Carlson |
Lloyd Chase |
Duane Cihlar |
Jean Cochrane |
Bobbie Collins |
Kay Costello |
Nancy Dalbec |
Suzanne Davies |
Larry & Elaine Dean |
Jenny Delfs & Jeff Kern |
Anne Deneen |
Shari & Jeff Denniston |
Heather Derewenko |
Mary Deschampe |
Alicia Deschene |
Laura Durenberger |
Randy Eastlund |
Dan Edson |
Joyce Elvestrom |
Elaine Erickson |
Lois Eyinck |
Kurt Farchmin |
Dan & Diane Fitzgerald |
Karen Flolid |
Carrie Framsted |
John Franz |
Douglas Frisk |
Sue Futterer |
Jane Gellner |
Mike Genae |
Nancy Giguere & Bruce Tyler |
Don & Gerry Grant |
Phillip Grave & Carol Stender |
Kathleen Gray-Anderson |
Kay Grindland |
John Gruber |
Virginia Hahn |
Karen Halbersleben & Jack Miller |
Sue Hansen |
George Harrelson |
Carol & Peter Harris |
David Hawkinson |
Alyssa & Jonathon Hedstrom |
Howard Hedstrom & Bonnie Gay |
Barb Heideman & Duane Hasegawa |
Joyce Heiskari |
Bob Hewitt |
Katherine Horak |
Peter & Mary Igoe |
Patricia Ingebrigtsen |
Nancy Iverson |
Amy & Peter James |
Geri Jensen |
Martha Johansen |
Christie John |
Kathleen Johnson |
Mark & Robin Johnson |
Marlys Johnson & Bob Nesheim |
Jayne & Rick Johnson |
Lois Johnson |
Margaret Joynes |
Janet Kampa |
Robert & Ann Karrick |
Kitty Kelly |
Beth Kennedy |
Kim Kerntz |
Beth & Art Kidd |
Karen Kobey |
Nancy Koloski |
Larry Krause |
Karen Kritta |
Karen Kronquist |
Lois Lackore |
Debi LaMusga |
Mike & Kathy Lande |
Carla LaPointe |
Evelyn Larsen |
Nancy & Jeff Larson |
Mary Lear |
Jerry & Joan Lilja |
Sherrie Lindskog |
Lindsay Little |
Donna & Orvis Lunke |
Bill Lurton |
Susan Maijala |
Diane Marsyla |
Robert Mattson |
Ronald McClellan |
Evelyn McDonald |
Jack & Sandy McHugh |
Judy & Terry Meath |
Regine Meissner |
Ann Mershon |
Jackie Meyers |
Helen Muth & David Quick |
Yafa Napadensky & Bob Shannon |
Terri Nelson |
Jean Nelson |
Randi & Rick Nelson |
Greg Nichols |
Deborah Niemisto |
Lori Nugert |
Bill Nugert |
Ruthann Ohlsen |
Martha & Bruce Olson |
Phyllis Parker |
Jeff Pavelka |
Diane Pearson |
Judy & Gary Peterson |
Mark & Mary Peterson |
Lou & Inger Pignolet |
Steven Pincus & Michelle Strangis |
Barbara Platnick |
Nancy Plude-Bradley |
Sarah & Aaron Poznanovic |
Karen Ranning |
Kathy Reeves |
Judy & Denny Renkiewicz |
Tom & Ann Rider |
Sandra Riley |
Donald Ring |
Jim & Janet Ringquist |
Deb Roach |
Jess Rodne |
Francis Rondoni |
Lynn & Mike Rose |
Ann Russ |
Jon Sage |
Michael Sampson & Cathy Nevers |
Mary & Doug Sanders |
Susan Scherer |
Kurt Schierenbeck |
Carolyn & Milan Schmidt |
Dolly & Bill Schnell |
Matt & Anne Schuerger |
Maria Sheehan |
Suzanne Sherman |
Jim Shinners |
Jerry Sivets |
Maryl Skinner |
Joanne Smith |
Fred & Fran Smith |
Heidi Sobanja |
Harvey Sobieck |
Millie Spry |
Jean Spry |
Corinne Stark |
Nancy Starr & Steven Nielsen |
John & Kristina Stearley |
Lois Steven & Wayne Force |
Loren and Becky Stoner |
Kathy Sullivan |
Judy Swanson |
Kelly Swearingen |
Marc Tavernier |
Rose Ann Ter Steeg |
Myra Theimer |
Michael Valentini |
Mary Vos |
Frithjof Wannebo |
MaryAnn Wastweet |
Suzanne Weber |
Cydney Weiland & Robert Smith |
Karin & Craig Westgate |
James White |
Ken & Donna Wielinski |
Julie Wilson |
Annalisa Winje |
John Wolf |
Susan Wolff |
Kimber Wraalstad |
Jodi & Tom Yuhasey |
Pamela Zalesky |
Linda Zenk |
William Ziegler |
Gary Zinter |
Julie Wilson, MSW, LGSW
Executive Director
Betsy Blume, Retired RN
Suzanne Sherman, EOL Doula
Marnie Hovland, RN
Care Coordinators/
Caregiver Consultants
Christie John
Programs Administrator
Minda Andrus
Programs Coordinator
Jenny Delfs, MD
Medical Director
Board of Directors 2024
Nancy Starr, President
Kathy Reeves, Vice President
Bob Karrick, Treasurer
Terri Nelson, Secretary
Beth Kennedy
Carolyn Schmidt
Collette Pederson
Nancy Larson
Patty Laney
Grant Funding Partners—2024
- Cook County Public Health Fund
- Empty Bowls Cook County
- Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation
- Northland Foundation
- North Shore Health Care Foundation
- Otto Bremer Trust
- Federal Older Americans Act (Title IIIB & E): Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging
- Medica Foundation
- St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation
- Head of the Lakes United Way
Your Donations Matter!
Care Partners depends on community support. Please consider a donation, memorial, bequest, or celebration gift to Care Partners of Cook County.
or Mail To:
Care Partners
PO Box 282
Grand Marais, MN 55604
Care Partners Services
Staff answers calls & emails during office hours, Monday-Friday, 10am to 3pm
Trained volunteers help with:
- Companion visits
- Respite visits
- Chores around the house & garden
- Delivery of groceries, mail & other needs
- Rides locally & to Duluth
- Caregiver Coffee
Care Partners staff assists with:
- Care Coordination & health care planning
- End-of-life support
- Caregiver Support
- Information & referral
- Education & Advocacy
Reach out to us!
Office: 218.387.3788