Support & companionship on the journey of aging and serious illness.
Thank you!
Much appreciation goes out to our volunteers, staff, clients, partners, and community as Care Partners works to return to full services and programming.
Thank you for your care in taking precautions, your leadership and flexibility, your patience, and endurance! It wasn’t easy, but it is so rewarding to see our community in action and to witness the care and respect for our older neighbors.
Please bear with us as we navigate this next phase of the virus to protect all of us.
Memory Café Returns
Care Partners is excited to announce the return of the Cook County Memory Café with an informational open house on Thursday, September 16 from 1:00 – 2:30pm at the Hub/Senior Center in Grand Marais.
A Memory Café is a free, casual gathering where people with memory loss and the family or friends who care for them can come together in a safe, supportive, relaxed environment. Guests share conversations over a cup of coffee and games, crafts, music or other simple activities. Memory Cafés are not a form of respite care. Instead, they offer a place where caregiver and care recipient can enjoy one another’s company and interact with others who share similar experiences.
The Cook County Memory Café will meet on the third Thursday of each month beginning in October through the support of the Lloyd K. Johnson Foundation, community donations, and the Grand Marais Hub/Senior Center.
Aging Well Resources
With a new name and logo, the Cook County Aging Coalition’s new single access point for resource information for older adults is almost a reality! The Aging Well Resources website, is in the works and will be live later this fall. It will be an easy to use site for anyone wanting to find out about services or programs in Cook County for older adults and those who care for them. For those who would rather speak with someone on the phone, a Care Navigator will be available to help them connect with the services they need. For more information, you can contact Christie at Care Partners who will be serving as the Care Navigator and website manager!
The project is funded through a grant from Northland Foundation’s Integrated Rural Community Aging Program and is led by the members of Cook County’s Aging Coalition.
Care Partners Services
Trained volunteers help with
- Chores around the house & garden
- Delivery of groceries, mail & other needs
- Rides for errands and medical trips locally & to Duluth for medical appointments.
- Friendly calls, companionship, and visits.
Care Partners staff assist with
- Care Coordination & health Care Planning
- Caregiver support
- Information & referral
- End of life support
Call 387-3788
Being a Volunteer With Care Partners
My name is Carrie and I started volunteering with Care Partners last fall. At the time I had only been living in the area for a year. I was needing a way to get to know my community and I had time to give back to help others. My background is in mental health and community services so it was a perfect fit for me.
It was strange meeting people while wearing masks, during the COVID period. It tended to make the personal connection more challenging, but it has been a lot of fun meeting those I have helped. We all come from interesting backgrounds and I enjoy hearing others’ stories. Connecting with our community is important in battling loneliness and finding a purpose. I would recommend it for anyone looking to give a few hours a month for special chores or whatever your interest is, as there are a lot of options to get involved. It is very rewarding.
Special thanks to the staff at Care Partners for coordinating the wonderful services for this community. They are great to work with and appreciate the help.
Get Involved and Make a Difference!
Volunteers are at the heart of Care Partners and there is something for everyone, in all parts of the county— give a ride, rake a lawn, make a friendly call, drop off some groceries, join someone for a walk, offer compassionate presence, or help with our Memory Café.
We make it work for you!
Choose the activities, time, level of commitment and the circumstances that meet your needs.
Volunteer Opportunities
Care Partners depends on community volunteers to support clients through visits, calls, deliveries, rides, and chores.
We provide training and let you choose your assignment according to your schedule and interest. All trainings are held at Cook County Higher Education. Join us on line or in person!
Companion Training
Wed., Sept. 22 & 29, 4:30-7:30 pm
AND Oct. 6, 6:30-7:30 pm (Dementia Friends)
Companion volunteers befriend elders through visits, calls and walks. Volunteers work within their availability and interest and receive training in safety, comfort measures, end-of-life, dementia, elder awareness, spirituality and communication.
Volunteer Driver Training
Wed, Nov 17, 1-3 pm
(or call to make alternate arrangements.)
Give rides locally or to Duluth and be reimbursed for mileage.
Chore/Delivery Training
Wed, Oct 27, 3-5 or 6-8 pm|
(or call to make alternate arrangements.)
Help with groceries, errands, or choose a chore project around the house & yard to keep seniors safe in their homes.
Register online or contact Christie at 387-3788 or for more information.
From a Client…
“You guys are special and so very needed in this county. The folks who came to visit my husband were perfect for him. He enjoyed the time they spent together. For a shy guy he shared stories from his childhood growing up in Hovland. I really enjoyed the time I was able to get away. I needed that. So a big Thank You!“
Join Care Partners Staff!
Care Partners is hiring a Caregiver Coach to support family caregivers through coaching, dementia education, respite, and classes. The Caregiver Coach listens to each client—assessing needs and goals, providing education, and coaching. Training in this process will be provided. Hours are flexible depending on ability and interest.
Contact Kay at 387-3788 to find out more.
Sunday, August 29, 2-4pm
at Sydney’s Frozen Custard
- Join us under our green tent to enjoy a sundae, see friendly faces, and support Care Partners.
$5 Suggested Donation - Help us honor our amazing volunteers.
- Learn about being a companion, driver, or chore volunteer.
- Sign up to volunteer and have a sundae on us!
Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!

Thanks to Bruce Block & Sydney’s Frozen Custard for doing a pop-up fundraiser for Care Partners on Sunday, July 25th!
Customers were treated to free frozen custard and asked to donate to support Care Partners services. Care Partners received almost $900 in donations.
Death Café
Cook County’s End of Life Doulas host Death Cafés where people are invited to express their thoughts, dreams, questions and concerns about death and dying. They are held on the 4th Thursday of the month and you can attend via Zoom or in person. Find updated information at our website.
Dementia Friends
Thursday, October 6
6:30 – 7:30pm
Dementia Friends is the biggest ever initiative to change people’s perceptions of dementia. It aims to transform the way we think, talk and act about the disease. The Dementia Friends session helps you learn about dementia and the small ways you can help. From telling friends about the program to visiting someone you know living with dementia, every action counts.
The one-hour session will take place at Cook County Higher Education.
For Caregivers
Caregiver Coffee
Caregiver Coffees are informal gatherings open to anyone who offers care and support to an older adult. Participants encourage one another, share resources and discuss topics related to care-giving. Caregivers are welcome to stop by for coffee and conversation whenever their schedules allow! Caregiver Coffees are offered at 10:00 am the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at the Birch Grove Community Center, 9 Good Neighbor Hill in Tofte. Call 387-3788 to get connected.
Mindfulness Based Dementia Care
Join Michelle Barclay for an 8-week, on-line program for family caregivers of people living with dementia this fall. Mindfulness offers valuable resources and coping practices that can improve the wellbeing and quality of life for you and the person with the diagnosis. Call Care Partners for details.
New Care Partners Emails
as of September 1
Kay Grindland, Executive Director
Marnie Hovland, Care Coordinator
Christie John, Prog/Volunteer Coord.
Martha Olson, Senior Services Coord.
Jenny Delfs, MD, Medical Director
Board of Directors:
Jayne Johnson, President
Jack McHugh
Bob Karrick
Nancy Larson
Judy Peterson
Kathy Reeves
Carolyn Schmidt
Nancy Starr
Light Up a Life
The 13th Annual “Light up a Life” in November and December offers a way to celebrate the life of a loved one during the holiday season. Each $5 donation lights one bulb in memory of a person on our memory tree in front of the Johnson Heritage Post. Their names will be listed on Care Partners’ website at You can donate on line or donation forms will be available on our website and in the community.
Candle Lighting Ceremony
Thursday, December 9, 5:30pm
Join us for a time of remembrance, candle lighting, music and blessing. We hope to have the event in person at the Johnson Heritage Post. Check our website for details.