Volunteers are the heart of any organization. I am so honored to come alongside you in serving our neighbors who are aging or managing serious illness. Thank you for the important work you do in providing companionship, rides, deliveries, and so much more.

As you know from the spring newsletter – we have put roots down in this beautiful community of humans and are beginning the planning and building process on our land – just up County Road 6… if only the snow would melt and spring would come! I feel so welcome already.

I am a Licensed Graduate Social Worker by trade and have worked in the Aging Services field in one capacity or another for about 15 years, prior to that I worked in training, continuous quality improvement facilitation and project management. Additionally, our family walked the Alzheimer’s journey with my Grandma Emma and then my Dad. It is a journey like none other. It was formative in developing empathy and passion in me to make the journey a little brighter for others – and that no one should walk it alone.

It is wonderful that Christie has lined up Volunteer training for this week – I am excited to meet at least some of you virtually on my first official week! I look forward to knowing each of you, your journey, and what brings you to this place of service, compassion and care for your neighbors.

Please reach out to say “Hi”. I value your perspective as I get “my legs under me”.

