Six Week Series begins October 11

Presented by Kathy Reeves, Retired RN and Julie Wilson, MSW, LGSW

It is said that all of us will be caregivers at some point in our lives—some of us, many times over. Join us for this powerful course, whether you:

· Were a caregiver in the past, and need some help finding your way forward,

· Are currently caregiving and need some respite and tools to take care of you in the process, or

· Anticipate being a caregiver in the future.

Powerful Tools for Caregivers is a free six-week class that gives you the skills to take care of yourself while caring for someone else. By tending to your own health and well-being, you become a better caregiver. Class participants are given The Caregiver Helpbook to accompany the class and provide additional caregiver resources.

Our Fall 2023 Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes will be led by trained facilitators Julie Wilson and Kathy Reeves and we’ll meet in person on Wednesdays from 10-11:30am, October 11 – November 15 at the Surfside Resort ballroom in Tofte.  Contact Care Partners at 218-387-3788 about respite care during class.